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What You Need to Consider If You Want to Add a Lift to Your Home


If you are in a situation where your mobility is not what it once used to be, you may be looking for some type of assistance to help you to get to the different floors of your home. Many choose to use the chairlift that goes up and down the staircase, but a lift may be a better option for you. This allows you to move between the floors of your home more comfortably and to do so in a secure structure that can fit you and your spouse at the same time.

However, you may be wondering if a home elevator can work inside your house. While this may be the ideal choice, you were wondering if there is a way that this structure can work. If this is your concern, then here are some things you need to consider.


Do You Have the Space?

The best part about these home lifts is that they can fit in any part of your home. You do not need to add an extension to the outside of your house to fit a home elevator into the house. Instead, if you have a corner in your home that can be used, no more than about 12 ft.², then you can have the lift built-in through the floor between the levels of your home.

These structures are extremely secure and safe, even when installed in a small space in your home. This allows you to have greater mobility without having to do much renovation to your house.


Did You Know a Lift Is Better Than Stairs?

One of the best parts about a lift is that these structures are some of the safest modes of transportation you will find. That is quite a bold statement, because most do not consider an elevator a mode of transportation, but it is. This is a safe option that is efficient and provides you with the secure feel you need to get around in your home.


I don’t like small spaces

This relates to a closed up and down lift rather than a stair rail lift. A big concern that many have is that they will feel a bit stuck using the closed door elevator. If you have the space, you can clearly go with a larger lift. However, many are trying to add a lift into a small space in their home, giving them no more than 6-8 ft.² of room inside the elevator. This can make some feel quite confinded, but the elevator is secure and safe. If you are a person who can handle confined spaces for a few seconds, you will do just fine.


Are they Really Better Than Stairs?

It is because of the previous question that some believe that stairs are a better option. They do not want to feel confined in a small space like that, so would prefer to use a traditional stair lift to get up and down in their home.

However, keep in mind that there are some benefits to the elevator lifted that the standard stair lift cannot accommodate. First, you are able to transport more materials through your elevator then you would through the stairs. In addition, you will find that the ride is more comfortable and shorter in duration.

This is just a few of the benefits of choosing a lift as the option in your home. You will find that an elevator can work quite well within your property, giving you greater independence and freedom.